Chicago Transit Authority

Issuer Overview
Chicago Transit Authority

Issuer Type: Transit


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Issuer Overview
Chicago Transit Authority

Issuer Type: Transit


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Welcome to Our Investor Relations Site

On behalf of the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), I would like to welcome you to our investor relations website. We appreciate your interest and investment in bonds issued by CTA, as it allows us to make critical investments in public infrastructure throughout Chicago and the region. These investments directly fund the vehicles, stations, and tracks which are now often carrying more than 1 million people per day.

CTA provides the Chicago region with quality, affordable, convenient transportation that connects people, places, and jobs.  Since he became President in 2015, President Dorval Carter has been committed to three key strategic goals: enhancing safety, improving the customer experience, and expanding workforce development with a focus on equity and inclusion. As we move forward in this post-pandemic climate and beyond, President Carter has set forth his vision for the CTA that lays the foundation for the near term and ensures the CTA will continue to fulfill its mission in the years to come.

CTA delivers quality, affordable transit services that link people, jobs, and communities. The CTA mission is focused around both our customers and our workforce. Providing a quality experience is inclusive of, but not limited to, reliability of service, availability of service, safety, security, customer communication, interactions between customers and employees and physical environment. Affordability focuses on providing a range of fare products that meet the various needs of a diverse ridership base and attracts new riders.

CTA has three overarching goals:

  • Safety – CTA aims to ensure that customers and employees have a safe and secure transit system and workplace that prioritizes safety over all aspects of service delivery.
  • Customer Experience – CTA places a high priority on putting the customer at the center of every decision made and action taken to ensure its services meet or exceed customer expectations.
  • Workforce Development – CTA invests in its workforce to build on the successes of the past and work toward a bright future, creating jobs and opportunity with a focus on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity.

We are committed to maintaining our strong bond ratings and sound financial management. We are also committed to being as transparent as possible with the investor community and public at large. In addition to the useful information on this website, our main website at contains a wealth of helpful content as well. 

I hope you find this website useful as you seek to better understand the credit fundamentals of CTA. Please do not hesitate to contact our office with suggestions for how we can improve. Thanks again for your interest in our bond program.

Thomas McKone

Chief Financial Officer

Chicago Transit Authority, CTA